Welcome to Shantiratn Foundation - Delhi's Leading Alcohol Rehab Center

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, know that you’re not facing this challenge alone. At Shantiratn foundation, we know well the complexities and hardships of dependency.

For those fighting against this disease we propose full spectrum residential alcohol treatment services in New Delhi which aim at releasing them from clutch of alcoholism so that they can live full lives once again.

We are offering a light of hope to the ones that are having a difficult time with alcoholism. Our program addresses all aspects of your life that are affected by drinking, providing concierge personalized treatments tailored exactly for you.

The problems you are going through are well known to us, so we provide a supportive place for the same minded people as yours.

With our highly professional experts who have hearts full of love and care around you, you will take back your life and look forward towards a hopeful tomorrow.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab

  • Medically supervised detoxification
  • Transition to therapy-based rehabilitation
  • Focus on overcoming physical dependency

Our Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs in Delhi

Holistic Therapy Sessions

Join our therapy sessions that help in finding oneself and getting physical treatment to heal completely. Our experienced counselors provide personalized guidance and support, helping you address underlying issues and develop coping strategies for a balanced life.


  • Explore holistic healing modalities.
  • Address mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Cultivate resilience and inner peace.

Individualized Treatment Plans

Get individualized treatment plans that are made to meet your specific needs and goals. We have a team of experts who will work closely with you, assisting you to create a complete road map towards recovery and ensuring every step is tailored to your unique journey.


  • Customized approach to recovery.
  • Targeted interventions for lasting change.
  • Enabling you to regain command over your own life.

Supportive Community

Join our group sessions that create a community where every individual participating knows exactly what it is you are going through. These sessions are designed to give you the opportunity to share, get mutual support and build relationships which breed development and toughness.


  • Establish connections with others journeying in parallel.
  • Share insights and encouragement.
  • Feel understood and accepted.

Life Skills Development

Get all basic personal abilities that you need for easy everyday life and make sure you don’t depend on alcohol. Our workshops and classes include various topics like stress management, communication skills and relapse prevention strategies.


  • Learn practical tools for sober living.
  • Enhance your resilience and coping skills.
  • Build a foundation for long-term sobriety.

Family Counseling

Family counseling sessions will allow our experienced therapists to involve your loved ones in your recovery journey. This organization does everything possible to ensure that there is open communication facilitated by our experienced therapists which in turn leads to clearer understanding and better relations within the family hence providing support for one’s healing journey.


  • Mend broken relationships.
  • Build family unity and support.
  • Develop healthy communication patterns.

Aftercare Support

Continue your journey to sobriety with our comprehensive aftercare support services. We provide ongoing guidance, resources, and community connections to help you maintain your progress and navigate the challenges of post-rehab life with confidence.


  • Stay connected to a supportive network.
  • Access resources for continued growth.
  • Prevent relapse and maintain long-term sobriety.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Receive specialized care for co-occurring disorders with our dual diagnosis treatment program. Our integrated approach addresses both addiction and underlying mental health issues, providing comprehensive support for your recovery journey.


  • Address underlying mental health concerns.
  • End the cycle of addiction and psychological disorders.
  • Improve overall well-being and quality of life.

Individual Therapy Sessions

Experience the power of one-on-one therapy sessions tailored to your unique needs and goals. Our compassionate therapists provide a safe and confidential space for exploring challenges, gaining insights, and fostering personal growth.


  • Receive personalized attention and support.
  • Explore deep-seated issues in a trusting environment.
  • Allow yourself to make positive changes.

Why Choose Shantiratn Foundation for Alcohol Rehab in Delhi?

We acknowledge that asking for assistance may be challenging. But, the good news is that you do not have to walk alone in this trying journey since our compassionate staff are there to respond to any inquiry you may be having at any time of the day and night seven days a week as well as guide you throughout your healing process.

Experienced and Compassionate Staff

Our team of addiction specialists, doctors, therapists, and support staff are dedicated to your recovery.

Personalized Treatment Plans

We tailor programs to meet your unique needs and goals, ensuring the best path to long-term sobriety.

Safe and Supportive Environment

We provide a safe haven for healing, free from judgment and distractions.

Multiple Treatment Options

We offer a variety of evidence-based treatment programs to meet your individual needs.

Focus on Long-Term Recovery

Our goal is not just to detox you, but to empower you to live a healthy and fulfilling life.

Confidentiality and Privacy

We prioritize your privacy and ensure complete confidentiality throughout your treatment.

So, contact us now and get involved in our free consultation session with us without fear of exposure at all.

We provide a healthy environment uniquely suited to support your growth and healing.

Radhey mohan drive , plot no.76 near kapoor factory New Delhi, Delhi 110047